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Featured Artist: Dan Speller

Blues artist Dan Speller is more than a fine musician. He's also a twenty-year veteran of the 82d Airborne, Ft. Bragg's centerpiece unit. Dan is bringing this experience, and a lifelong love of music, to the Fayetteville peace rally on March 17.

Dan Speller was born in New York City, but as a teenager moved to the mountains of North Carolina. There he learned to play Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards and Harp. He joined the Army in 1975 and volunteered for the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C.

While in the Army he traveled the world and acquired musical tastes from many different countries and cultures.

Upon retiring from the military in 1996, Dan was able to commit all his time and energy into his music.

Dan Speller's music will open an "all-star" lineup at this year's Fayetteville rally. It will also include comedian Dave Lippman, Fruit of Labor, Holly Near, and more.

Visit Dan Speller's web site for more information.

All Together. All for Peace. All for Free.

Join us in Fayetteville on March 17.

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