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End the Iraq War Now!

NOW -- Photos from our outstanding peace rally.
Come to Fayetteville, North Carolina on March 17, 2007 for live music, rally, peace fair, and more! Featured artists include Holly Near, Fruit of Labor, Dave Lippman, and Dan Speller.

Featured speaker: Rev. Dr. William Barber II, state president, NAACP of NC. More on our dynamic list of speakers here.

Check out our program of peace rally events
for more information!

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Special Features:
Veterans For Peace Caravan for Katrina reconstruction

NEW: Retired Army Col. Ann Wright On
Why She Will March In Fayetteville

And The Return of the Amazing Code Pink
Peace Ribbon Project


The headline in the January 8 issue of "Army Times" was stark:

"About Face On The War. After Three Years of Support, Troops Sour on Iraq."

It's not the first such declaration. Almost a year ago, a Zogby poll published by the military paper "Stars & Stripes" reported that more than seventy per cent of the troops on the ground wanted the U.S. to be out of Iraq within a year. More than twenty per cent wanted to be out of there tomorrow.

This year, on March 17, when the annual peace march and rally take place in Fayetteville, we will gather in an atmosphere very different from that of earlier years.

On this fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, only a small and diminishing minority even of those in uniform believe that the war is anything but a travesty and a waste of our blood and treasure.

Yet these same troops and their families now face a stupid and cynical "surge," that is gambling their lives and the lives of their loved ones for nothing more than an effort by a twisted leadership to avoid facing the truth of the fiasco that their war has been.

More than a thousand active duty soldiers and sailors have signed an Appeal for Redress, asking Congress to end the war and bring them home.

It is difficult and dangerous for those in uniform to speak their opposition openly in public. On March 17, let's gather in Fayetteville to add our voices to their chorus: End this war Bring Us Home!

This will be the fourth time voices for peace have gathered in Fayetteville to demand an end to this immoral war. But on March 17, 2007, we won't be speaking TO the troops this time we'll be saying it WITH them.
